the memming family

It’s like the cherry on top of a good sundae when a family I’ve photographed in the past decides their whole family needs to get in on the action. In this case, I’ve photo’d two of these siblings’ families before, and finally got to meet the whole crew! They even brought great-grandma!

On the right, Grammy’s playing hide-and-seek (because she’s fun like that)!

This generational photo is the reason for doing a session like this, folks. I adore the look on Great Grandma Janet’s face! She has such a cute bunch to be proud of, and it seems like she knows it.

You’ll recognize these little yahoos from their past blog appearances (20152016). Miles & Elle! I love how easily you can tell they belong together. Those deep brown eyes are insane.

This cute crew has been here before, too, and yep, Brandon & Jeremie are twins (if you couldn’t tell). They have their spunky Sylvie, who’s a brand new big sis to baby Theo! He wasn’t even a month old yet in these photos. (Woah, Megan looks amazing!!) 😀

Sylvie’s eyes = Theo’s eyes, and that’s just the way it is. Different colors (for now?) same shape, and both adorable.

Everybody loving on their precious Grammy!

It was so fun meeting Mitchel’s family and completing the sibling trifecta. 😉 Isn’t little Lawson dreamy? He is curious, on-the-go, super-smiley and he loooooves his mom and dad.

I owe a huge thank you to this whole bunch for making photo night a fun success! Until next time, Memmings!