the thieman family
If you are of the opinion that it’s only important to schedule family photos while your kids are small, you may want to reconsider. I’ve had the enormous pleasure of documenting several different phases of this family as the years tick by (2017, 2018, 2021), and seeing them with their growing-up-and-nearly-adult kids right now is absolutely life-giving. Their dynamics are beautiful and SO fun, as always!
I think you can tell from the photos alone that I love photographing these people. Carter is, in true firstborn fashion, dependable, put-together and impressive. He strikes me as humble and hardworking and quietly funny (I think that’s a thing).
Cadence has been high-energy since I met her six years ago and she simply floors you with her confidence. She is creative and sweet, and she brings laughter out of each of her family members in different ways. Last but not least, Calvin is sure to make anyone smile. He is smart and thoughtful, loved deeply by everyone, and has figured out how to hold his own as the youngest of three.
I’ve never done photos of just Matt and Andi without them bursting into laughter. They are fantastic.
I have a request that you three recreate this photo when you’re in college, ok?
How can the entire family be so dang photogenic?
Thieman family, you are top notch. I love your authenticity and your care for one another. Thank you so much for another great evening of photo fun!