the wirtz family
Welcome back to the blog, Wirtz fam! These three are delightful human beings. That’s maybe all I even need to say in the way of commentary on these photos, but I always have more to say, so I will. The fourth delightful human being belonging to this crew will be here soon, and it was beautiful to spend an evening celebrating the close of this season for their family with just Henrietta before they welcome another baby girl.
Sometimes I wonder how many problems I cause by telling children to jump on their couches during pictures. It’s worth it, in my opinion. On the right, I was very pleased to see that pup Sasha hasn’t given up photo-bombing!
We kept things ultra simple and went on a walk around the neighborhood, a staple in any family’s sanity right now. Henri led the way – she’s clearly the firstborn of two strong leader parents!
Mama and her babe. It’s crazy to think Henri will only seem tiny for a few more weeks until she has someone much smaller nearby all the time. Her beautiful personality is going to serve her very well as she transitions to being a sibling.
John and Ella, I’m wishing you more moments to freeze in time before the whirlwind of change, and I’m beyond excited to see you again as a family of four!