scott & eryn
It takes a little something extra to get me excited about much in January (I’m a summer person through and through). This year, I’ve got it all taken care of because I get to look forward to photographing these two on their wedding day!
God brought these two together in the cutest of ways, kicked off by an under-appreciated invitation for Eryn to join Scott’s family for Thanksgiving last year. I smiled all through their telling of the story. Their relationship seems to be one that’s meant to be – and those tend to not be thwarted by anything that comes the couple’s way.
Both Eryn and Scott are incredibly easy-going. They have a comfort level with one another that makes you think they’ve known each other for decades. I seriously love how they look at one another.
This one has to be my favorite. First, they’re just so happy, and second, you know I love a good building backdrop with fun lines!
Eryn’s smirk on the left is such a tip-off to her funny personality. I asked her a while back about her perfect Saturday and part of her description made me laugh out loud: “Not too hot or too cold – all you need is a light jacket.” Name that movie!!!
We finished up photos at a gorgeous park, and being in a beautiful nature-setting was very “them”. They belong outdoors in epic, sweeping landscapes doing fun, laid-back, chill things together. Good vibes all around.
Doesn’t their love make you excited? It’s reeeeeally sweet.
Eryn & Scott, bring on January – so excited to witness your wedding!