second blogiversary

I feel old – like I’ve been around the block a few times. My blog turned 2 on Sunday! I’ll admit I feel a little proud of the fact that I’m still blogging. I didn’t know how long I’d stick with it when I started two years ago. It was really awkward at first, sharing my thoughts and experiences with the vast, unknown & largely anonymous internet. But now it’s really natural to sit down and rattle off personal things to a bunch of strangers. Funny how that happened. 🙂 You can see last year’s blogiversary here.
I feel overwhelmingly thankful for the things I’ve gotten to experience in this last year. It has been full and rich and I’m grateful for how this blog has kept those memories in tact. I’m particularly humbled by the families who’ve let me into their lives with my camera. My love for photography has quadrupled in size (at least!) this year because of the little half hour stints I’ve had with amazing people who want to capture the essence of their relationships and the things in their life that make them happy. It has gotten me excited about humanity and has softened me in so many surprising ways. To those people, thank you so very much.
Below are some of my favorite posts (non-photo-shoots) and a collection of some images from the last year that each make me happy for so many reasons. Enjoy!
My 5 Favorite Posts from Year 2: