i think i'll bake a cake

I wouldn’t exactly call myself a great baker, but I can generally follow a recipe and not screw things up too badly. If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know I am blessed (or cursed?) with sudden impulses to make things. Well, occasionally I want to make something I can devour immediately after it’s finished. Enter, coconut cake.

David sometimes makes me watch NET (this is Nebraska Educational Telecommunications – he calls it Nebraska Entertainment Television). It’s local PBS. So I don’t put up an argument about it if it’s America’s Test Kitchen or Downton Abbey. (This show is good! Have you seen it? It’s my latest obsession. Annoying though, they just took down the Season 1 episodes, so I had to find a way around that. Don’t worry, I did.) Back to the topic at hand, America’s Test Kitchen had an episode where they made a mouth-watering coconut cake. David and I probably drooled all over the couch as we watched them make this amazing layer cake. We were so annoyed when the show ended with the cook enjoying a piece of her masterpiece and knowing it was probably delish but not being able to have a bite. So I set out to find the recipe. Now, America’s Test Kitchen is a little over protective of their recipe knowledge, but we finally found it and one day I decided to bake the dang cake. It was a bit complicated. Required about 6 sticks of butter. Took me 3 hours. But man, that cake was good.

I made David wait that whole 3 hours to have a piece, plus the fifteen minutes after it was done that I spent photographing the silly thing. Did we need an entire cake to ourselves? No. After several days, did we even want more coconut cake? Not really. But I’m telling you, this cake is good. I pawned it off on as many friends as I could in order to keep myself from having to eat the whole thing including all 6 sticks of butter. Um, gross. But nevermind that. If you’d like to give it a go and spend 3 hours of your precious time baking a cake, the recipe can be found here. Shamelessly shared for all to enjoy. And enjoy, you will.