the thieman family
I absolutely love getting together with this crew. They are so full of life, always joking with one another and the kids are total straight-shooters (inspiring laughter from dad and head shaking from mom). I always leave smiling and full of energy. They’re awesome.
Remember Calvin? Remember how cute and adorable and little he was last time they showed up around here (go indulge yourself and see how much these kids have changed!)? Well, he’s such a big boy now, and his personality is so much fun. He is completely adored by his siblings, and you can tell he brings so much joy and belly-laughter to their family.
Cute kids. Cute parents. You can see where the offspring gets it from!
Cadence, with all her fiery beauty and spirited personality, is so dreamy to photograph. Watch out, folks, she is going to leave her mark on the world with everything she does.
Carter may be an adult in a kid’s body – he has so much poise and quiet self-confidence, only appreciates the really good jokes, and he’s just so dang agreeable. I think his steady personality has influenced each person in the family for years, and surely will continue to do so.
On the right – the true Cadence on display. It’s my favorite.
Toward the end of our session, we got everyone seated in this gorgeous field, and they just huddled together and laughed and sang funny songs the kids know and you could see the magic of their family clearly on display. It was really sweet, and I hope these images always spark that little, seemingly small memory of their being together and enjoying one another.
Thank you so much, Matt and Andrea, for always being so fun to photograph, and for loving your family so fully and so well. It’s such a beautiful thing to witness! You guys are wonderful.