the muller family
Having this beautiful family with two firecracker girls on the blog is ALWAYS such a treat! I love love love the Mullers! Even in 2020 – this bizarre, off-kilter year – they are full of joy, passion and personality. It’s comforting to know some things don’t change.
I love a good flashback – hop back to see all the fun of years past: 2016, 2017, 2019.
We have done their last few family sessions close to home, making use of their stunningly beautiful neighborhood. I love how personal their sessions feel as a result, and the girls are always in their element as they show me around their stomping grounds.
The only proper way to describe Miss Alyvia right now is to say she is blossoming – becoming her own strong, independent person. It is strikingly lovely to witness, and she’s a person I’d really like to know as an adult (mostly because she’s super fun, and I like fun people).
What do you think is the likelihood they’ll be willing to recreate this photo on the right when they’re 13 and 15?
Oh, Brooklyn! This girl is pure magic. Like, unicorn, rainbow, glitter-covered magic. I love her sparkly brown eyes, her super high levels of energy, and her utter lack of shame. I mean that in the best way possible. She is down for anything, anytime – usually adding a little extra flare to whatever’s going on!
All these images of the girls together – whether laughing, annoyed, competing or just being close – bring me to tears. I have an intense soft spot for sisters. Nick and Niki, you’re fostering such a sweet relationship between them. Well done!
Signing off with a favorite! Gosh, every year gets more fun with you, Mullers. Can’t wait to see what next year holds!