shannon & brittany
Fair warning, blog readers – your eyeballs are about to be wowed. Shannon and Brittany’s wedding day was SO full of color, SO saturated with beauty of all kinds, and SO rooted in the best things in life. I felt the wonderful weight of this day the moment I stepped in the door.
Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, it seems like it takes a while before brides are ready to get in their dress – not Brittany! She was all “I’m ready to be in that thing. Let’s do this!”
It’s not hard to see why. She was absolutely radiant.
I love that the idea of doing a First Look with Dad has become more of a thing. It is always such a sweet pause for both bride and dad, usually includes the best hug she’ll ever get, and I will strongly encourage my own three daughters to do this on their wedding days. Barry here took it very seriously.
I told you – Brittany is almost literally shining!
Then it was time to see each other!
Ladies, it is most definitely worth the wait for a man who looks at you the way Shannon looks at Brittany. These two delight in one another, respect one another, and were unable to stop smiling at one another the whole day.
Hey, Shannon! Yes, you were radiant, too.
We took a short walk down the street while we snapped photos, and love and excitement filled the air for these two. There was honking, there was clapping, people stopping to admire these two and share their congratulations. They’re kind of a big deal, ya know!
These groomsmen were the best. Such a fun crew! Apparently Shannon knows how to pick awesome friends.
On the right – the prettiest group of ladies on the planet (including sweet Isabelle!).
I’m in no way trying to exaggerate this point, but before the ceremony began, there was such an air of anticipation between everybody entering this big, gorgeous cathedral. It was like the air was being sucked out of the room as friends and family filled the pews and everyone was looking around eagerly waiting for the big moment. And it was definitely a big moment! But first, embrace the grain in this image on the left of Barry glancing with pride at Brittany in the shadows at the back of the church.
As the photographer, the walk down the aisle is a busy part of the day, but I was totally stopped in my tracks as I witnessed this joy-filled, beautiful bride in tears with her eyes fixed on Shannon, as a powerful choir and pipe organ belted out Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring. WOAH. Hands down, the best walk down the aisle I’ve ever witnessed.
After a gorgeous ceremony, it was official. These two are MARRIED!
This is what it looks like to be surrounded by your best lady friends on your wedding day. It’s a happy, happy thing.
This image needs no explanation. You’d think it does, but it’s better to just leave some things open-ended for interpretation.
If you recall Shannon & Brittany’s engagement session, they have a serious enjoyment for craft beer and breweries, so a stop at Scriptown Brewing Co. was an important highlight of the day!
It also led to my favorite image of the day: time standing still for these two.
We didn’t stay too long at the brewery – we had another party to get to!
Alllll the siblings gave speeches! These families are chock-full of love, and everyone was so genuinely happy for Brittany and Shannon.
The first dance is magical – somehow bride and groom can be completely alone in the middle of a room full of all their favorite people.
Once the dance party got started, there was no putting it out. The guests came ready to party!
Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. McCoy! Whew – your wedding was an eleven! I’m so deeply happy for you – not just for this amazing day you had, but for what’s beginning. Grateful for you!
I can’t wrap up without a shout out to the spectacular vendors that made this day so great. Thanks to each one of you!