the thomas family
These three (soon-to-be-four!) occupy a special place in my heart. What a wonderful family! If you have the privilege of knowing Tyler, Mandy and Coralee, you know that they radiate good vibes, they are creative and passionate, and they work really hard to make the world a better place. I like them a lot. Hooray, there will be one more of them come August!
Just imagine this wild cutie pie as a big sister. It’s gonna be AMAZING to see her shower her little brother with love.
When life is good and you’re just hangin’ with your parents and everything is awesome.
Good grief, you’re MELTING my heart, Coralee!!!
I love Mandy’s style. She is bold, confident and colorful, and she makes one stellar mom. Coralee and little man are incredibly lucky.
Fun fact: these guys live downtown, right on the block where this photo was taken. It was extra fun to document them in their natural habitat. This girl is a pro with the crosswalks, traffic, etc.
Isn’t their happiness contagious? Thomas crew, I’m so very excited for your newest member to join you! I’ll be ready to party the second he’s here!