announcing: the love story sale

I’m having a SALE, and I’m really excited about it! I’ve been thinking so much lately about why I do what I do. Why do I take people someplace pretty and click away on my camera and send them the results? It’s not really because people like .jpgs. Or really, that they like standing in front of a camera at all. I do it, because I think I can remove the awkwardness involved in doing something vulnerable like that, and actually tell a story. I get to tell people they are beautiful, that their husband loves them, that their kids treasure them. I get to tell kids that their parents’ whole world revolves around them, and I even get to tell their grown-up-selves, years from now, what their childhoods were like. That’s AWESOME.
So I’ve been excited about the storytelling aspect of portraits, and it just got me all excited to do something, and BOOM…SALE. 🙂 Sometimes we need a little extra reason to go for it, and make sure our stories get told.
Details are as follows:
Book a portrait session (engagement, maternity, newborn, family, or children) before February 14, 2015 by emailing me ( or through my Contact Form. We’ll schedule the session for any time between now and the end of May, and your session will be 15% Off.