summer date night: free

So you know those couples who say “we make a point to have a date night once a week.” I think this is awesome. That sounds like such a wonderful idea. I want uninterrupted, special time to spend with David once a week. I’d like a weekly excuse to get dressed up, go out for an amazing dinner, catch a movie, have ice cream afterwards, and walk hand in hand to a coffee shop later where we’d stay up late having deep and meaningful discussions. I’ll be honest. We are not one of those couples that does this. We’d like to do it more, but sometimes I think we shy away from this because of the expense. I mean, David and I are fairly cheap, and within reason, this can be a good thing. But if we want those date nights, we need a few ideas for free dates so that every one doesn’t cost fifty bucks. So a few weeks ago we had a free date night at a local park. If you don’t already have brats, buns and smores supplies in your pantry, your date will go from free to cheap. Still pretty good. Here’s what you need:

This is not hard to find on a Friday night, as most people are out doing the expensive version of date night.

Free date night was a blessing to us. Hope it encourages you to go out and do the same.