the list

I keep a mental list. It’s not complex with headings and categories, it’s just one long list of everything titled “Things in My Head”. It includes stuff I want to do around the house, the groceries I need to go buy after work, emails I need to write, ideas I am mulling over, clothing items I could definitely use more of, what we should do on our upcoming vacation. You get the idea. Well, it’s EXPLODING today. I have reached the full capacity of information that can be safely stored in my brain, so it’s going to need to be broken down into sub-lists and written down someplace. The tough part about getting anything done on this list is that at the top is the biggest, hardest thing to check off (at which point it could be removed and make room for more items), and of course I don’t really feel like I can focus on the other things until this item is done. The number one To-Do is “Remodel the Bathroom.” Seriously, that’s my mental list.
So while I’m experiencing Productivity Paralysis because of my bathroom, I’ll leave you with this shot David grabbed of me with two of my favorite people at my friend’s recent wedding. We’re all three married! So crazy! I hope the professional pics will be up soon so I can share a link, because I’m sure they’re going to be fabulous. I’m dying to see them! PS, don’t we look awesome, since it was 90-some degrees outside and we had just finished up some square dancing? I know. You’d think I would have gotten my camera out before this point in the day.