land of the hipsters

So I’ve mentioned that I have had quite a bit going on lately. Within the last month or so, I went to Portland, Oregon for a conference for work, one of my besties got married, I edited about 2000 photos of weeds that I took for a client at work down to about 500 images with backgrounds removed (tons of work – more on that later, maybe? such a strange project…), I went home to SoDak to visit the fam, designed a friend’s wedding invitations, and…oh yeah, trained for and ran my first 10K!!! So it makes sense that in the last week I’ve booked flights for our next two, much-needed vacations. And now, friends, it’s time for a series of posts, which I will call the Giant Recap of All that Was in the Crazy Month of May, since I have virtually stopped blogging during all this busyness.

Let’s start with Portland!!!

What a cool place. Just ask anyone who lives there – they are well aware of how great it is. And it’s hipster central. Have you guys seen the show Portlandia? I mean, they hit it spot on. I was there for a conference called Webvisions on web design/development, and while it was interesting and I learned a ton, that’s not really what this blog is about and to be honest, sitting in a conference center doesn’t exactly photograph well. So on to the cool things I enjoyed in the city, along with my lovely coworker who went with me:

1. Food Trucks (an entire city block of them with the incredible, blow-your-mind food from anywhere you can imagine)

2. Masu Sushi – adorable restaurant with great food. For real, everything I ate in Portland was crazy good.

3. Keeping with the good food theme, we enjoyed some tasty beverages (obviously).

4. Powell’s. Here’s Zeljka, wandering through the City of Books.

5. Typography + Architecture. The place is packed with both – and often in beautiful and unexpected combinations.

I wish I was better at walking and taking photos at the same time. The entire time we were there, I wanted to be snapping away with my camera. I am such a tourist, even though I hate being pegged as one. I’d say it’s one of my top five goals when I travel to just blend in, and I always fail miserably at it. We must have had it stamped on our faces, because we couldn’t walk five feet without someone asking us where we were from or where we were going. Granted, most of the inquirers were super friendly, but at the end of the week I was ready to be back where I feel like I fit right in.

Overall, thank you, City of Bridges, for a lovely visit. I’ll try not to look so lost next time.