february 29

Once every four years. What an odd phenomenon! Do you think people are really inspired with “Carpe Diem” thoughts on this day because it’s more of a rarity? Do you do things you wouldn’t normally do, because today is special? Well, David and I do something we only get to do once every four years. We have a little extra excitement on February 29th because it’s David’s Grandpa Bob’s birthday. His actual birthday.

Happy 22nd Birthday, Bob!

And cheers to 88 years of meaningful, well-lived life. We love you!

Last time, in 2008, we celebrated his 21st birthday, and he got lots of funny cards from friends about being a party animal on that milestone of a day. It was awesome. And I had my first slice of gooseberry pie that day. First and last. 🙂 Enjoy what’s left of your extra day this year, friends. And do some celebrating in honor of Grandpa Bob.