oh dori (that's my mom)

Today marks (she’d rather not say) years of my mother’s existence. Happy birthday, Mom!

As you can obviously see, my mom is a talented lady. (And we are going skiing next weekend, so this was just all too appropriate.) For starters, she created four amazing people (with the help of my dad). But there’s more! She has a great appreciation for food and makes some pretty incredible dishes and desserts, she knits sweaters and slippers and hats and anything you can imagine knitting, and she has been known to parkour in the kitchen. Here’s a good example of what that looks like:

She will deny this, but it totally happened. On a more serious note, this woman rarely doesn’t have a genuine smile on her face, is an incredibly thoughtful gift-giver, and an even better gift-receiver (you will feel like the most special person in the world for getting her even a boring gift). Mom, you have a full life and I love the way you live it. I’m lucky to be your offspring, and I hope your birthday is/was swell. See you in a few days!