year number three

This week David and I celebrated our third anniversary. Three is funny to me. It seems like so long and at the very same time it is such a small number. If God decides to give us thirty years together, I’m sure we will find it hillarious that we ever thought three years was a long time.

Happy Anniversary, to my David. I still love him so much, three whole years later! If I was on Wheel of Fortune today and made it to the Bonus Round (which I obviously would), and then Pat Sajak asked me who I had in the audience with me, I’d introduce him as my “one-of-a-kind husband I don’t deserve.” He puts up with me in ways nobody else would every be equipped to. And in return for my stubborness, sarcasm, and “creative” ideas, he gives me funny “British” accents, goofy dance moves while he cooks me amazing dinners, and a heart that is unwavering to the Lord and to me.

I recently read another woman’s reaction to everyday time and conversations with her husband, and I deeply resonated with it:

“Praise God I didn’t marry someone boring!”

Here’s to year number four…