the reed family
What a FUN family! These guys just truly, thoroughly enjoy each other and the vibe it gives their family is downright magnetic. On top of that, we had a classically beautiful Nebraska fall evening to capture it all.
Aren’t they such a gorgeous fam?! Let’s talk about photographing siblings as they grow into the teenage years. In my opinion, it’s an unexpected sweet spot. Their personalities are being refined like crazy and their relationships with one another have so much personality. Consider this your routine PSA – if your kids are looking alarmingly like they’re about to head off to college, don’t put off the family photos!
Welcome to the blog, Scotlyn! It took about five minutes around this beauty to see how special she is. Her family adores her and for good reason – she is confident, genuine, full of laughter, and dang fun to photograph!
Hey there, Axton! Just like his sis, this kid is a born natural for the camera. He’s just so likable! When Axton smiles, he full-body smiles. He’s creative, has a vibrant energy and enthusiasm and seems to be constantly making everybody laugh.
Great kids tend to come from great parents – Erin and Chris are just plain awesome. Their laid-back nature clearly serves their family well, and I love how they laugh with one another.
Reed family, I had an absolute blast getting to know you guys! Thanks for such a fantastic family session. Cheers!