the kruse family
So many of the best qualities are packed into this one family. I love time with the Kruses!
Something about the crisp fall day we had, the kids’ eagerness to run around and play and generally be adorable, and of course all the pops of color made this one a 10/10. Like all the other lovely families I get to see once a year or so, these kids have grown UP so much in the last year. They are on the move!
Hattie’s personality is like a big shiny bubble, always floating upward and just about to burst. She is joy itself. Her creativity is inspiring and she’s an incredibly attentive big sister to Calvin. Oh, and she’s the absolute silliest person ever.
Calvin must run out of energy eventually, but I barely saw signs of it. I think he must have a switch he can flip to “100%” because he seems to do every little thing with maximum enthusiasm and speed. His smile is the sweetest.
I stand corrected – he did seem ready for a rest by the end of all our fun.
Chad and Halley are such phenomenal parents. I can see their patience, their own enthusiasm and loads of affection in all their interactions with their kids.
Thanks for such a great session, Kruse family! I’m such a fan of all four of you!