the singsank family
welcome, marjorie!It’s official! Baby Marjorie has stolen the hearts of every person she’s met, myself included. She is the newest, cutest, sweetest babe around. Her fam sure thinks so, too!
Hello, sweet little one. You are perfect!
Sisters holding sisters – there’s just something magical there. Val and Ben are pretty cute with their new baby, and so gentle with her, too. I love Ben’s proud grin!
Val will probably have the magic touch for soothing Marjorie and will no doubt be an incredible help to her parents in the months to come.
Marjorie was wide awake and so interested in everything going on around her for much of her session. I wonder what beautiful personality traits she’s bringing into this family, and I’m sure it’ll only be a matter of months before they’re clear as day.
Photo credit for this one goes to Valerie! She wanted to know how to work my cameras and this was her shot. Bravo, Val!
On the left is my favorite pic of Marjorie and Mama – such beauties! On the right? The cutest smile!
Big congrats to you, Singsanks for bringing another fantastic little person into the world. What a pleasure to meet her!