the rouse family
welcome, ada!All baby Ada wants to do is stare into the eyes of whomever has the good fortune of holding her, and all I want to do is stare back. This tiny sweetheart is mesmerizing! She is basking in the full on torrent of love from her family and it was a gorgeous thing to witness.
I love the smiles of every single member of this family – Ada’s is sure to be just as full of joy as she grows a bit.
This look of big brother Everett’s made me laugh out loud. While he looks suspicious, don’t be fooled – he is an incredibly doting brother already. I’m sure by comparison to his new baby sister, his parents must feel like he’s grown up a lot in the last few weeks. His personality is delightful and he’s eager to be involved in checking in on and caring for little Ada.
Ada is perfect crook-of-the-elbow-sized at the moment. She was pretty content to just hang out nestled into either of her parents’ arms.
It’s wild to meet new babies years after meeting their siblings under the same circumstances and see all sorts of resemblances. Ada reminds me a lot of when Everett was brand new.
Bethany, your love as a mother is breathtakingly beautiful. What lucky kiddos you have!
Nate & Bethany, I loved this time with your adorable little fam! Thank you for sharing Ada and Everett with me!