the wirtz family
I knew exactly the kind of cuteness I was walking into with this session. Each year, this family delivers on being their truest selves in front of my camera, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! We hung out on the front porch of their beautiful new home on a perfect morning to capture their latest shenanigans!
I love how John and Ella play – like really PLAY – with their girls. They all share such an easy sense of humor, evidenced by the bright smiles on their daughters’ faces. Also, I’m quite sure the pose on the left with Mom and Rosalie gets repeated every year – not intentionally on my part, it’s just Rose’s favorite place to be – parked on Mom’s hip!
This. Swing. It of course had to feature prominently in these photos – Ella’s parents made it by hand, and it’s absolutely perfect. The talent level for grandparents has just been set *really* high, folks!
Oh, Henri, there’s always at least one shot of you that’s a total showstopper. This girl has the most beautiful little soul, fascinating questions and an A+ laugh. Witnessing her grow up is beautiful.
Hi, there, Rosalie! More and more, I see this sweetheart’s resemblance to her mama. Rose is delightful, affectionate, a keen observer, and has a smile that can melt your heart. She is quick to follow Henri’s every move, yet maintains her own strong sense of independence.
Sasha! This old girl has been around since the very beginning of my time photographing this crew almost twelve years ago. She’s a legend and they love her so dearly.
You two – don’t stop whatever it is you’re doing to parent this amazing family of yours.
As always, I am grateful to have shared sweet time with you, Wirtz family. Thank you!