the klemsz family
Let’s kick off this Monday morning with a bang – the amazing Klemsz family! The dynamic between these four is chock-full of fun. They give each other the best side-glances and someone is always smiling. It’s delightfully contagious!
Were there ever two lovelier sisters? Their same-yet-different vibes are STRONG.
Mirabel is in 6th grade, but her poise and natural confidence make her seem much older. Her smile lights up her eyes and she doesn’t seem to pass up too many opportunities to make others laugh.
It’s Eloise! Like her younger sister, this girl is strikingly mature and incredibly graceful. You can literally see kindness in her smile. What a gem!
This one is my favorite.
Justin and Erica, your family is ridiculously cute. I hope you know it!
*sigh* This whole session just filled me right up. Thanks for a great one, Klemsz crew!