the foreman family
Ask me to define “easy-going” and I will send you this family’s photo session. Morgan and Keith are so laid-back and their kids have picked up on this flexible, worry-free attitude. They’re a blast to be around!
I got to see the many faces of sweet Holly! This lady loves to chew on her hands, wrinkle up her nose in a sweet grin when her family members dote on her, and she’s not afraid to yawn and let you know she’s bored with your efforts and ready for a nap. I appreciate her honesty!
Big brother Thomas sets the energy tone pretty high, and he’s such a delight. His facial expressions reveal he is ready for anything at any time, and he LOVES to play and run and show you all the things he can do. There are many!
Both kids are BIG fans of Mom, and her love for them is a deep well. They bring the most joy-filled smiles to Holly’s face!
My favorite! If you guys frame just one of these photos, let this be it.
I could stare at this one for quite a while and track all the feature similarities and differences between these adorable siblings. Noses? Identical. And I think they will share all the same laughter wrinkles when they’re adults.
Miss Holly was prepping for her nap while we snapped away. She’s such a beauty.
Morgan and Keith, your family is a 10. So wonderful to photograph you again!