the muller family
All I can say is, WOW! Kids grow up too darn fast. We all know it to be obvious and completely true, yet it hits me like a brand new realization over and over again with families I tend to see once a year or so. This is one of those families, and my heart is so full after spending an evening with them.
I’m giving Alyvia one more year before she’s taller than a parent. Anyone agree?
This girl is stunningly beautiful, and her personality is even better. My favorite things are her ability to giggle at herself and laugh with her sister. I caught all these glimpses of her grown-up, adult self during these photos – she’s incredible!
This was my first time meeting their two puppies! I am a big fan, and they will be required to participate in every family session of theirs from now on. They did so great, and it’s clear they are two very well-loved dogs.
Brooklyn is still the life of the party, and has the most contagious energy. I mean it. I leave my time with her with more energy than when I arrived, which is really saying something! She’s a gem, and such a cutie, too.
Nick and Niki, your family is golden. Thank you so much for an awesome evening!