the kruse family
It’s somewhat of a toss-up, but the night we took this lovely family’s photos may have been the prettiest day of fall! What was even better than the weather was the company. I always thoroughly enjoy time with Chad & Halley and their darling kids, who are definitely growing up fast.
Calvin is a proud one-year-old now! He’s got that super-dreamy-little-boy vibe going on, with his perfect blue eyes and a few cute teeth, and was going at full speed (or at least his version of it) during our time together. He was determined to explore and satisfy all his curiosities.
Hattie is an exceptional young lady and a wonderful sister. She is smart beyond her years, but definitely loves a good dose of silliness. She’s got so much spunk and a fantastic sense of humor.
Calvin’s little grin is the cutest on the planet.
Hattie’s smile would take over her entire face (accompanied by giggles) anytime I asked her to cuddle up with her mama. I love their relationship – it is so warm, lovely and fun!
What do you do when the crawling toddler just wants to truck it down the sidewalk faster than you can focus? You plop down in front of him and block the whole path. I can see his wheels turning as he decides how he’s going to get past me.
Thank you, Kruse family, for such a sweet evening with you all!