the stephan family

You can’t proceed past this point without having the happiest feeling in the pit of your stomach, thanks to the joy radiating from this family. Charlie and Ashley have fostered love, laughter and beautiful relationships with their sweet kiddos, who are an absolute riot. I couldn’t have had more fun with this one if I had tried!

The kids laugh as their parents tickle them.

Cute, spunky, smart, silllllly Zoe! She’s a real firecracker, a wonderful big sister, and she loves to play. Her eyes have the most magical sparkle, and I know without even asking that she wants to be just like her mama when she grows up. Who wouldn’t? Her silly face in the image on the right is amazing.

A closeup of Zoe's sweet grin. The kids goof off as Charlie and Ashley laugh.

Aren’t they just the happiest brother and sister in all the land?

Zoe hugs her brother. Zoe and Jonah hang out on a bike rack and Charlie wraps Ashley in a hug in front of a yellow wall. The family smiles for the camera as Jonah enjoys a shoulder ride.

Jonah gives Zoe a run for her money in the silly department. He’s SUPER DUPER into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the moment, so much of our time together was peppered with cool ninja moves, none of which I could duplicate. He’s pretty fierce, so watch out if you meet him in a dark alley. Jonah’s imagination seems to be running constantly. He’s got his dad’s sense of humor, and just like the rest of the fam, he’s a big fan of his mom.

The whole familys its on a staircase. Jonah plays peek-a-boo with the camera.

His little smile is perfection!

Jonah sits up proudly and grins at the camera. Zoe and Ashley snuggle against an orange wall. Zoe laughs and smiles hanging on a railing. Jonah lays his head on his dad's shoulder and grins. Parents laugh at each other. The family sits casually against a railing. Zoe being silly, sticking out her tongue.

I spy a ninja turtle!

Jonah shows off his best ninja moves. The family poses for a casual portrait.

Thanks for hanging out with me and laughing throughout your session, Stephan crew! Your family is a true delight, and I’m honored to call you friends.

Zoe hangs on Charlie, Jonah sits on his mom's lap, and they all smile.