class of 2024Next up on the senior schedule: Logan! He’s just impossible to not like. Personal bias alert – he’s got ‘special family friend’ status in my house since his amazing mom has provided part-time childcare to all three of my kids over the past nine years and loved them like her own. As we’ve come and gone, in and out of his home, Logan has acquired a little fan club in my daughters, and for good reasons. See for yourself…impossible to not like.
Let’s break down this likability a bit further. Logan’s demeanor is happy-go-lucky, and maybe he’s just constantly polite, but I see in him a genuine way of relating with others and making them feel seen and enjoyed. Also, people (like Logan) who smile with their whole face are wonderful, and that’s just a fact.
Complementing his smiley side, Logan has an intentional and focused aspect to him. Whatever he ends up pursuing down the road, I think this part of his character will serve him well.
We embraced color in this session like crazy, and I’m so glad we did!
Logan, you are so much fun to be around. Thank you for making my job the easiest at your session, by being up for anything and bringing the laughter! I am cheering you on in this final stretch toward graduation. Congrats!