the loethen family
Joy! This session was pure joy. Gosh, this family has something special going on. Each of their three personalities spark something magical in one another and you cannot help but love them, so don’t even try.
Maybe all this joy has something to do with smiley eyes, because those genes are strong here for sure!
A heaping dose of Caroline’s silliness comes directly from John. They’re the best daddy-daughter match ever.
Anne, you’re THE most beautiful mama. So there, that’s settled.
I don’t exactly wish childhood modeling on anyone, but if anyone could do it, it’s Caroline. That hair and those dimples! But the best part about Caroline is she is sugary sweet, and genuinely happy. Life is good for this sweet girl.
Caroline, don’t get any older before next time, ok? Loethens, what a pleasure. Thank you for bringing the fun to photos!