the von Scheliha family
I REALLY enjoy these guys. They laugh, make faces, roll eyes, snuggle, give knowing looks, and best of all on this particular night, put up with quite chilly temps for the sake of family photographs. They win in my book!
I am so happy Lloyd and Lori chose to capture this particular moment in their family’s story. Their kids are in very specific life stages, and their family will dive into a whole new chapter in less than two years. Also, teenagers are a dang riot, so photos were incredibly fun. Highly recommend!
Emma. I’ve been impressed by her character ever since meeting her a number of years ago. She was probably in late elementary school and she stood out for her beyond-her-years disposition. Steady, confident, poised and funny – she’s pure gold.
Scott! If you make eye contact, he smiles and chuckles. Scott is just happy – contagiously happy. He has all the typical great middle child qualities (*ahem*…says my biased self) and he brings out laughter from the rest of his family.
Koen. As seen in these two images, he’s got a goofy side for sure, but he can switch it to a quiet calmness very quickly. I’m impressed by Koen and think he’ll grow up to do something amazing. No idea what, but his potential is obvious. He is clever, curious, creative and so dang likable.
I think all the things I’ve described about each of these amazing kids can be traced back to one or the other (or both) of their parents. Lloyd and Lori, you’ve built up an incredible family, and it’s a beautiful thing to witness.
I don’t have words for this one. She’s just gorgeous!
This one’s my very favorite.
Von Scheliha family, this was an absolute pleasure! Cheers!