the feterl family
welcome, theo!My favorite spot to place a brand new thirdborn for my favorite photo of their session is snug between their siblings. The proud siblings grow quiet and gentle and the cutest moments follow. Theo’s session was so sweet – full of these tender moments but also jumping on the bed (not Theo, of course) and tickles (again, not so much for Theo).
The Feterl family’s joy runs deep. They have a tenderness and happiness with one another that’s truly rich. I’m so happy for them to be snuggling tiny Theo these days.
Such a sweet boy! He brings a whole new dimension to this crew. It’s so fun to imagine the personality he’ll grow into over the years.
The big siblings did not let photos bring their energy down one bit.
They look awfully calm here, but I’ll bet if we revisit things in a few years, these brothers will be a serious nonstop duo of mischief and fun. Barrett is already paving the way!
I have a soft spot for dads with their new babies. There’s just nothing like being held by your dad. We also made sure to get a photo of the siblings with their angel big sis Brielle. I really adore that image and all their sweet faces together.
Eden is a really kind soul and so gentle and caring with her baby brother. Both boys are incredibly lucky to have her!
Feterl family, I’m very thankful to have had this sweet window of time with your family during your tender new normal. Wishing you joy during all the wonderful “firsts” with Theo.