the sova family

Wow, did I leave this photo session with a huge smile on my face! It really couldn’t possibly be more fun to hang out with the Sova family. They are pure sunshine + spunk, walking around in 5 different bodies.

Elana and Kennedy, these photos immediately take me back to the first time I met you. These girls were basically babies, and they’re well on their way to being beautiful little grown-ups. *sniff*

And Beckett! Watch out, because I have lots of good things to say about this kid. He is sweet, lovable, funny, easy-going, CHARMING, considerate…should I stop? You get the idea. He’s great.

Bart and Tami have such a great dynamic that sets the tone for this fun crew. They don’t take life too seriously, and they love these sweet kids fiercely. It’s a magical combo.

Kennedy has more fun. Than anyone. Ever. She’s ready for anything and is bursting with creativity and soul. I don’t often see her face without a huge smile on it.

This seems to sum up the siblings pretty nicely during their current stages of life.

We played and played with this fun umbrella mural. I’m pretty sure my face was the actual heart-eyed emoji.

When I find out one of the siblings doesn’t really like hugging/kissing/affection, you can bet I’m going to ask her to dole out a few smooches, just to see what happens. Sorry, Kennedy!

My favorite thing about Elana is her confidence. It’s 100% refreshing, and I hope she always holds tight to it. This firstborn is funny, energetic, and able to giggle at herself. The world could use about a thousand of her!

Aw, see you next time, sweet fam! This was too fun! Thank you so much for cranking the joy to 11. 🙂