the wirtz family
You are about to be overwhelmed with cuteness by these two sweethearts! I can’t think of a better way to begin a Monday.
You may remember this fabulous family if you keep an eye on things around the blog. But you’d have to go quite a way back to the first session I ever did with John and Ella (in this very spot!) as a fairly green photographer. Years later, here they are with their beautiful little girls.
Hi, Rose! This girl is sweet sunshine, and has a love for her momma that knows no bounds. Her whole family absolutely adores her!
Henri has a contagious giggle and wow, was she ready for anything the morning we took these photos! Her enthusiasm is off the charts. What a delight!
Sweet, sweet sister-friendship. Theirs is going to last forever.
Ella, you are a stunning mom. It would be impossible to hide how much joy your kids bring you.
These were two of my favorites from the day.
Oh, Rose, that huge grin that takes over your face is perfection. You clearly get it straight from your daddy!
Thanks for sharing a lovely morning with me, Wirtz fam! I loved every minute!