the jackson family
So much fun with the Jacksons! This session had everything a summer family session ought to have. ADORABLE family – half the members loving it, half totally ready to go home (because they’re normal humans!), kids teasing each other, dog-wrangling, a gorgeous Nebraska night, and a bullfrog. Did I miss anything??
Jason and Gina, you guys have done a whole bunch of things right with this crew.
Where to begin with the kids but at the top? Andrew is a charming joker, leading the charge of his siblings. He seems to be in lock-step with his dad and adoring of his mom. He was efficient as all get-out with photos, and is a rock of a personality in this fam.
When Truman quietly snuck down to the water’s edge and within seconds, plunged his hand into the lake to snag this bullfrog, his mom looked at me and said “That’s Truman for you!” This kid is the kind of person you know to be kind, as soon as you meet him. Our nature-filled setting for this shoot had him in his element!
My fave sibling shot on the left!
Youngest and WAY full of spunk, Madison is a proud six-year-old who seems to have no problem holding her own in a busy house. Her smile is sweet like sugar, and she is brimming with creative ideas.
You win the lottery by being both a younger and older sister. Reagan struck me as steady, loyal and sweet. She bears a striking resemblance to her mama in both looks and personality, and it was no surprise she was able to play dog whisperer to their pup Coco.
My biggest thanks to this family, for showing up and being totally themselves on this fun evening. I couldn’t ask for more!