the ring family
Sometimes a family has such a tight-knit dynamic it’s like they have their own language. I felt that way about the Ring family. They know each other so well and the looks they exchanged and even the way they walked together had a well-worn rhythm to it.
Aren’t they the cutest?
I really hope my own girls have this much style in a few years when they embark on the journey of the middle school era. Keira, you were just a dream to photograph!
An absolute stunner.
Say hello to Carter! He admitted to not being super enthused about family photo night, but my goodness he was fun and would have fooled me into thinking he loved being in front of a camera. I am forever envious of his long eyelashes and am obsessed with his grin.
My only goal, really, in photographing kids of all ages is to see their true personalities. It’s the one thing I’m after.
Jamie, Karla, Keira and Carter – you guys are magical! Thanks for sharing your family vibe with me and being so truly authentic. Cheers!