the versaw family

Families don’t get much cuter than this! Welcome back to the blog, Jessica, Ryan and Ada!

I love these three! They are so fun to be around, and photographing Ada while she ran around their yard playing just felt like hanging out with friends for the evening. I’ve been completely won over by doing photo sessions in families yards. It’s so intimate and relaxed, and basically just the best.

The first word I would use to describe Ada is “force”. That is undeniably who she is, and it’s fantastic. The second is “playful”. Girlfriend just wants to PLAY! So play, we did.

Such a cutie pie!

This fall day took my breath away. They for sure won the fall scheduling lottery this year.

Oh, this? This is Ryan’s only request. A reenactment of a photo we took last time. May the tradition continue for many years.

Squeeze that girl tight and keep her from growing up so fast! Thanks so much Versaws. You rock my world. 😉