the schnick family

To be with the Schnicks is to be laughing. What a fun session! The last time we did this, these kids were TINY BABY CHILDREN. Not really babies, but they were so little, so it was a wonderful to catch this glimpse into the current chapter of life with this fam.

Connor and Emery are so uniquely different as siblings go, but they have a sweet bond and appreciation for one another. I can see it in how Connor can’t keep a straight face through Emery’s silly antics.

Emery is an absolute magnet for my lens. She’s a true, creative performer, and following her around taking photos wherever she picked was a blast. Her joy cannot be stamped out by anything – she’s pure sunshine.

If I had to guess, I think 10 out of 10 people would determine Connor to be kind before he ever opened his mouth to speak a word. You can just tell that’s who he is. He’s also good-natured with a sense of humor his family especially knows how to extract.

Must be rough, being a family of models! 😉

While tromping around downtown was fun, the real party started when we got to their house to include their adorable puppy Hoz in some photos. Have you ever seen such a handsome dog!?

Hoz is like this crew’s center, so I love that we wrapped up with him in the middle of a big pile of affection. Rightly deserved. Thank you so much, Schnick family, for a great evening and for having so much fun with your session!