the schneider family
I want to extend a warm blog welcome to baby Vin! He is the sweetest blue-eyed babe on the planet. You may recognize his parents Becca and Drew from their stunning fall wedding back in 2014. I was so honored and thrilled to capture this new phase of their family’s life.
So many babies are reserved around new people, especially in the current Covid era. Vin considered this at first, but once his darling smile broke through, it was happy play time all night. GOSH he’s a cutie!
Those eyes.
There is nothing quite like baby boys with their mamas. They have such a special connection.
If Vin didn’t have human limits like needing to eat and sleep, I bet he’d be willing to play with Drew 24-7. He lights up around his daddy, and they have so much adventure in store.
Drew & Becca, I was so filled up by an evening with your wonderful little family. You are bright spots of kindness in the world, and I can’t wait to see Vin grow up to follow in your footsteps.