class of 2022Buckle up for this one, folks! Xavian is one of the most photogenic seniors I’ve ever worked with, and we made DANG good use of Lincoln’s amazing new mural project: EmergeLNK. If you love color even half as much as I do, you’re gonna be obsessed with this shoot.
Xavian has no shortage of style. It’s so much a part of who he is. He’s also confident and easy-going and has such a kind smile.
Senior photo tip: try not to care (i.e. worry). I know that sounds backwards, but the best sessions are when kids show up ready for whatever with no stress. Easier said than done. But trust me, it’s part of the formula! That goes for all types of sessions.
Xavian, you totally brought your A-game and I hope you had as much fun as I did with this session. Congratulations on your senior year!