the baker family

There was a special energy about this family on this night. They’re my kind of people! So relaxed, so themselves, so happy to be with one another. I left feeling wonderful about life and humanity. Thanks for that, Bakers!

Sandie and Jim = relationship goals. I love how much fun they have together, and how often they smile at one another. They’re pretty great. One of the best parts of this session? The inclusion of all the dogs! Here’s Jim with their sweet Annie.

Sarah and Alex are cooler than me. Also, I love Jim and Sandie’s backyard! It’s an absolute retreat right in the middle of town.

Two more of the canine crew! Meet Cricket (left) and Riley (right). They both posed so beautifully for me.

On the left is Gracie, getting all the affection she could want from Sandie. They’re awfully sweet together. These dogs are VERY well-loved.

CUTE. Gracie really, really didn’t want to look at me, because Alex’s face is her favorite, so I’m pretty proud of this shot.

I love it when dogs smile. 😀

I love this. I see so many beautiful similarities between this mother and daughter, as well as complementary differences. Their joy is my favorite shared trait.

Ok, as much as I love all the pets, these two shots may be my favorites of the evening. Jim, Sandie, Sarah & Alex – thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing yourselves with me. Taking your photos was such a pleasure! I hope you enjoy them for years and years.