the stanosheck family
There is no question; it’s a weird time right now. COVID-19. All our regular norms are out the window, so the fact that babies still arrive pretty much on time is both amazing and comforting. There’s still much of life that continues on despite changes, closures, delays, and cancellations. Right in the thick of it, this family became THREE! Tentatively and carefully and armed with hand sanitizer, I was able to witness a few of baby Ryker’s early moments. What a gift.
Here he is – yay!!! – just chilling and sayin’ “hey”.
I will never ever (not even after having three of my own babies) get over newborn details. Their hair patterns, their itty bitty knuckle lines, their pudgy frowny lips and furrowed eyebrows.
Zach is a new dad! And gosh is he proud. Ryker is totally his lookalike and seeing them together is so fun.
I love this happiness on April’s face!
Ryker scored baby bonus points with me because he smiled a teeny and perfect smile just when I was ready for it. Good job, buddy!
April & Zach, your little guys is so amazing and it was a real privilege to celebrate him with photographs. I’m thrilled you have him as a little housemate to keep you company during social distancing. Enjoy this beautiful new season with him!