the loethen family
Caroline: 3 monthsI hadn’t seen Anne in years, but recently had the sweet privilege of meeting her family which just grew by one tiny, cuddly person (talking about the baby, not John, although he’s nice, too). Caroline is what heavenly baby dreams are made of – cheeks for days, mesmerizing eyes, big smiles and lots of squishy adorableness. She’s three months old – appropriately born on Thanksgiving! – and these two new parents have so much to love.
I was not kidding about her eyes! It is always a little extra fun to photograph little ones the same ages as my own. Caroline is one month younger than my Ivy, and doing so many of the same things.
To me, this is one of those time warp images. She looks so tiny, yet you can kind of imagine who she’ll be as she grows up. I love looking back at these kinds of photos once her personality is in full bloom. It’s all there, just waiting to open up.
My favorite.
Anne, I love your the joy on your face! Motherhood looks so good on you.
I think Caroline already knows it, but John is like super-dad. Every time he walked in the room or within her line of sight, she lit up and wouldn’t look away from him. Her smile on the left!!! These two are going to have the best time together.
Mayyyybe this one’s my favorite, too.
You guys are cute. I loved spending a morning with you and cannot wait until next time!