the harlow family
They’re back, they’re back, they’re back on the blog! The Harlows are, simply put, fantastic. You all know I love big families, and these guys are no exception.
Seth & Liz can laugh at just about anything, and that’s a beautiful way to walk through life – especially when you have four children you’re modeling that kind of attitude for.
These kiddos think I’m so hilarious. Obviously.
Sometimes people think of siblings as all one unit. Like one big group of kids that’s always thought of together or each kid is considered individually. But what I love about siblings are the special dynamics between each kid in the family. There’s a relationship between the oldest and youngest, the oldest and middle(s), the middle(s) with each other, etc. It gets so complex but what it really amounts to is lots and lots and lots of love.
Lydia is a shining beauty of a girl. Her calm demeanor is so peaceful – like a magnet that draws people to her. She’s like the solid rock of this clan.
Connor likes to spice things up, be wild & crazy, and wear his feelings on his sleeve, face, etc. – express them in any and all ways possible, really. His smile, though. I bet it just melts his momma’s heart.
Tyson reminds me of the kid version of my own brother. He’s awfully likeable, and can go from laid-back to silly in a snap. Plus, he’s cute as can be.
And finally, Ezra! Ezra just wants to have fun. Look at his sheer joy, flying high with dad! He’s grown up so much since the last time we did this.
This one makes my heart the warmest. This is family, folks.
For some reason, I think this one’s going to be the most fun to look back at in a few years – in a way that makes you ache for them to be small again.
I’m such a fan of these six and so thankful they included me in their crazy world for an evening. Cheers, Harlows!