the orton family
I know that not every family is made up of siblings who desire and choose to remain in one another’s lives long past the point where that is easy and natural. I’m incredibly lucky to be in one where that is the case. This is my sister and her family. If you’ve followed my work for any amount of time, they’ll look reeeeal familiar (if not, you can catch up here, here, here, here, here and here…yeah, they’re my guinea pigs). Choosing to stay close to your siblings is not always easy, but it is insanely rewarding. Not only do we have consistently understanding, faithful friends in these folks, but my kids are building relationships with theirs that I think (and hope) will have the same kind of longevity. It’s always an honor to have them in front of my lens, and no, it doesn’t hurt that their ginger minis are too cute for words.
I haven’t gotten to photograph Maryn since her newborn photos, and it was about time. I cannot resist her sweetness, and this is my all time FAVORITE age to photograph babes – between 6 and 9 months.
And this is what mischief looks like, friends. Plaid-clad, two-year-old mischief.
“I want to do it again!” Well, obviously.
My favorite from the day by quite a bit. I’m in love with this one – lookin’ up at her daddy.
No big deal, just being dreamy and cute and matchin’ her mom.
This pose was made for Will, and was actually the only way we were going to get him in another family shot at this point, unless the family shot involved sprinting.
That’s all for now. I wish I had a sneak peek into what our next session with these four will look like – each one is more fun than the last! Love all four of you – thanks for your faithfulness and just being yourselves to the max.