erik & jenna: part 1
married!July 26, 2014 was beautiful. I met Jenna through friends at church around the same time she started working at the advertising agency where I work. People kept telling me I would really like her, and they were spot on. She is, as the pastor said during their ceremony: “One laid back chicken.” She and Erik are completely refreshing. Not only because they are genuine, simple people you feel you’ve known for years after one meal together, but also because they are so clearly, giddy-in-love. They were PUMPED to marry each other. We gathered for one lovely, hot & humid Nebraska-in-July day to witness their joy. It started with a breakfast date, and it was adorable. I loved that they found a way to spend time alone together before the day became a blur. This is part 1 of their wedding day.
Jenna & Erik, I am so, so happy for you. There is a part 2. Stay tuned…