the carter family
This session was such an honor. These three were visiting from Italy (woah!) and during their precious time with family, we worked in a photo session. I fell hard right off the bat for little Siena, who just happened to be turning ONE that very day. She is the sunniest little girl!
Gosh, these next two with Siena cuddled up with her daddy. You can tell she’s in her happy place.
My favorite.
After a bit of time just with these three, the whole fam showed up. Grandma, great-grandma, aunts, uncles, and all the cousins. Keep a close eye on Siena’s little smile, because as we were walking down the hall, she caught eye of a special cousin…
That smile on the left is all for her cousin who’s holding her on the right. Is that not the sweetest thing???
She’s even got his finger here.
Anyway, she’s got three awesome “big bro” type cousins and is in such good hands. What a good-looking crew!
The icing on the cake was seeing this whole family gathered together from near and far. A seriously great close to the holidays.
Cheers, Carter family!