the humphrey family

The relationships in this family blew me away within the first fifteen minutes of meeting them. What an incredible honor to photograph generations!! I sincerely hope these amazing kids remember their grandparents like this (hearts full, enjoying and treasuring time with them) always. Big families have so much fun. 🙂17_09_humphrey_02 17_09_humphrey_03 17_09_humphrey_04 I especially love siblings that crack each other up. Evie, the spunky sweetheart in the middle is adored by her brothers, and it’s clear they are her best friends. 17_09_humphrey_05 And these two… 😀 😀 😀 There’s plenty of personality to go around in their house I’m sure!17_09_humphrey_06 17_09_humphrey_07 Having family photos taken should be fun. Always, always, always fun. Even if the moms and dads don’t choose to hang this photo or use it for a Christmas card, there should always be enough fun for the goofy, crazy personalities to show their lovely faces!
17_09_humphrey_08 Personally, this is my frame pick for this session. 😉 Cousins are simply wonderful.17_09_humphrey_0917_09_humphrey_10 17_09_humphrey_11 17_09_humphrey_12 17_09_humphrey_13 One of my favorites parts of extended family sessions is seeing the “original” family together, and imagining all the history and shared memories they have between them. This right here fills my heart up big time. 🙂 I’m so grateful to you, Humphrey family, for sharing who you are with me!