the hejny family

This five star, golden family brought me a significant amount of joy, laughter and dabbing on the beautiful fall evening we spent together. ๐Ÿ˜€ It was so good for me. My history with them goes back oh, ten years (what???) or so to my sorority days. Such fun times had with them!
17_09_hejny_02 Garrison and Kase might look a bit familiar if you follow the blog regularly. These boys are so dang fun. They have an unmatched energy and are loaded with fun ideas for photos and ridiculously silly faces (not pictured here). ๐Ÿ™‚17_09_hejny_03 17_09_hejny_04 17_09_hejny_05 Say hello to Courtney & Evan! They are refreshing to be around โ€“ super genuine and super talented (though super humble). Just super.
17_09_hejny_06 Like I saidโ€ฆ17_09_hejny_07 Love this. If you know this family, you know they laugh a loud and laugh a lot!17_09_hejny_08 Pam & Terry = the most fun grandparents you could ask for. Lucky boys.17_09_hejny_09 This final image was a deal for the boys that they could do a photo with shades if they obliged all the other photo session nonsense. ๐Ÿ™‚ Loved hanging out with you, Hejny family! Hugs and high fives to you all.17_09_hejny_10