the orton family
I couldn’t be more partial to the precious people in these images. That will not stop me from gushing about them, and you’d better believe it’s 100% genuine. If I didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t say it. And I love these four something fierce.
That blonde curly thing in the middle is my niece Maryn. She currently has a major, cheesy-ready-for-the-camera smile she likes to use, and I remember Molly saying (somewhat defeated) as soon as we finished with this session, “I just wish you could get her real smile sometime.” Boom. Sister, that’s what I do.Of course one of the best parts of photographing families is looking back at older photos to see all the chang that happens in a short amount of time. If you want to see how crazy fast kids grow (and how my editing styles have changed over the years – ha!), click through to see 2014, 2015, and 2016.) Molly, you’re beautiful.
Will (my nephew) and his many faces were so on point. He crushed these photos – such a big kid!
My heart has so many feelings for this one. This is basically why i do my job – to focus on the beauty of connection, relationship and love.
Her spunk is unmatched. UNmatched.
I love how he’s looking at his dad. You can just see he’s looking for reassurance and affirmation.
This sweet and wild boy. He has a million traits and emotions all balled up inside him and it’s awesome seeing him grow. This grin – it’s Will’s grin. It’s his mischief and sweetness all layered together in the cutest freckled face around.
And to end…a dance party on the water. What else? Love, love, love you, Orton fam.