the thieman family
Be still, my heart! This fiery family is my kind of fam. They know how to have fun, laugh, shake things off, smile from the heart, I mean…I have a big ol’ family crush on them. Look at these two!!!
And here’s the whole crew! First, let’s talk about mama Andrea for a second. It takes a strong woman to not be the least bit anxious over family photos, and she was completely calm, collected, and chill the whole time. So maybe hire her for advice when it’s your family’s turn.
Also, she has the prettiest smile in Nebraska. Just sayin’.
Say hi to Miss Cadence! There’s so much packed into this girl’s amazing personality. She’s going to be a go-getter for sure. Her freckles are my favorite.
I love baby Calvin’s little furrowed eyebrows here, because he was the happiest, smiliest guy the entire time. Hehe. How lucky is he to have these two to grow up with?
I’m realizing I picked lots of photos of Cadence for the blog with this sweet, soft smile like on the right. It’s funny, because she’s such a firecracker! But there’s something so fascinating to me about catching wild kids in their calm moments. Probably because you know it will only be for an instant.
This is Carter. He’s the gentle leader of the pack, and so full of fun! Don’t remember what I said here, but I love his embarrassed laugh.
I’m pretty sure it was bathroom humor. 8 years old is an awesome age.
And this one of just mom and dad = favorite. I love how they laugh with each other.
Seriously, Matt & Andrea, your family is solid gold. So much love to you all! Thanks for spending a little photo time with me!